Thursday, February 12, 2009

Giant Snake!

A vertebra of a Anaconda dwarfed by a vertebra of the giant boid snake, Titanoboa Cerrejonensis.

(Wednesday, Feb. 04, 2009)

Quote of the Day from Time


“It could easily eat something the size of a cow. A human would just be toast immediately.”

  • a snake expert, after fossils from northeastern Colombia revealed the biggest snake ever discovered: 42 to 45 feet long, reaching more than 2,500 pounds

Well, I have watched too many terrible snake movies on Sci Fi! This gave me vivid images for my bad dreams. Ewwwwwwww.


Bernice the Housewife said...

Oh my goodness. EWWWWWWWWWW is exactly right.

Bernice the Housewife said...

I did not comment on my own post; I am not having multiple personality issues or anything...Bonnie commented on our home computer, so the computer thought it was me commenting! I swear!

QuentinCompson said...

Yeah, right. Uh-huh. ;-)

I saw this article, too...and had the same reaction that you did -- too many SciFi movies.